For Administrators

Mamori Version & License

To view the server version and manage the Mamori license

Click > Help

Click > Mamori License

Raising a support issue

Raise feature request or errors on our public git project. Click here for git project.

If you are asked to email a support bundle, then you can generate one from the help section.

Click > Help

Click > Download Support Bundle

Managing Proxy Listeners

To view and manage the database and SSH proxy ports

Click Server Settings

Click Proxies

To disable a proxy set the port to 0 (zero) and click apply.
ProxyDefault Listener Port
Microsoft SQL Server1433
Other JDBC1527

Datasource Drivers

To view and manage the datasource drivers

Click Server Settings

Click Drivers


Set the name, type

Select the upload the driver resource file

Click Ok

Database Drivers

Common database driver links

Amazon RedshiftDownload redshift JDBC driverCan use native postgres proxy
Aurora MySQLSee MySQL
Aurora PostgresPostgres is preinstalled with Mamori server
BigSQLDownload BigSQL/DB2 drivers50000
CassandraDownload Apache Cassandra driver
DerbyDownload Derby drivers
EDB PostgresDownload EDB Postgres driverPostgres is preinstalled with Mamori server
Gemfire (AKA Pivotal Gemfire)Download Pivotal Gemfire driver
Hadoop[Contact Mamori for help with Enterprise Installations](mailto:
HawqDownload Hawq driver
Hive ClouderaDownload Hive Driver 2.5.19 from Cloudera
Hive HortonworksDownload Hortonworks Hive driver
Greenplum ODBCDownload GreenPlum ODBCCan use the native postgres proxy
IBM DB2 LUWDownload from DB2 Drivers
Impala JDBCDownload Impala JDBC driver
InfiniDBSee MySQL
Mysql8Download MySQL driver
NetezzaNetezza Software and Client ApplicationsAKA IBM PureData. You'll need an IBM login to access their downloads page
OracleDownload Oracle JDBC driver
PostgresDownload Postgres driverPostgres preinstalled with Mamori server.
RedshiftSee Amazon RedshiftCan use the native postgres proxy
SQL ServerDownload sql server JDBC driver
Download JTDS SQL Server JDBC driver
Sybase ASE / SAP ASEView SAP ASE drivers
Older Sybase ASE drivers (v 0.1 to 1.3.1)
SAP requires authorization to download drivers.
Sybase IQDownload sybase iq JDBC driver
TeradataDownload Teradata JDBC driverYou'll need to a Teradata account to download drivers.
VerticaDownload vertica JDBC driverYou'll need a vertica account to download drivers.

Please advise Mamori support if you find outdated drivers in this list.

SQL-Based Integration

To interact and integrate with Mamori via SQL instead of API requests you need to

  • download and install the Mamori ODBC (32-bit or 64-bit) or JDBC (64-bit) driver
  • connect any database tool to the mamori database

Downloading the driver

Go to the Mamori server login page and do not login

Click on "download drivers"

Select your driver and download it

Unzip the media and install

Windows ODBC

Please make sure you use the matching 32-bit or 64-bit version of the ODBC Data Source Administrator

Run the driver MSI installer

Launch windows ODBC Data Source Administrator

Add a DSN

Select the Mamori Driver (Mamori 64)

Enter the following in the DSN Dialog

FieldDefault ValueDescription
Datasource NameEnter the DSN name
Server Host Name or IPEnter the IP address of the Mamori server
Server Port1527
Remote SystemMamoriThe datasource to connect to
Datasource NameEnter the DSN name
CredentialsEnter a Mamori login username and password

Click OK


Open the driver manager of your SQL tool & Add a driver

  • Add the mamori jar file

  • Classpath is

  • Connection String

connection string

Manage Encryption & SSH Keys

With Mamori's built-in key management service you can define or store

  • AES keys for symmetric data encryption
  • RSA key pairs for asymmetric data encryption
  • SSH private keys for SSH network tunnels and logins
You can get the public key for any private key by clicking the button in the grid.

Symmetric Encryption

To add an AES encryption key

Click Server Settings

Click Keys


Set the key properties

Key NameName passed into encryption function
Key TypeSelect AES
KeyEnter key content
Password (Optional)Require a password to encrypt/decrypt data

Click OK

Asymmetric Encryption

To add a part or create an RSA encryption key pair.

Click Server Settings

Click Keys


Set the key properties

Key NameName passed into encryption function
Key TypeSelect RSA
MethodSelect Automatic to generate a pair or Manual to paste in an existing public or private key
SizeDefaults to 1024

Click OK

User the public key to encrypt data and the private key to decrypt


To add an SSH key

Click Server Settings

Click Keys


Set the key properties

Key NameYour reference for the key
Key TypeSelect SSH
KeyPaste in the private key that you generated with ssh-keygen -t rsa

Do not add a keyphrase to your key

PasswordLeave Blank

Click OK

Manual Grant

  • Click Keys
  • Find the resource in the grid and click
  • Click Manager Assigned Users or Manager Assigned Roles
  • For time grants toggled advanced options
  • Click on the grantee to add or remove the grant

Remote Network Gateway

Open VPN

Click Server Settings

Click Networks


Set the key properties

NameYour reference for the network
TypeOpen VPN
VPN CredentialsUsername and password
Open VPN FileThe open vpn configuration file (*.opvn)

Click Create Connection

SSH Tunnel


Create an ssh key

Place the public key in the target machine's authorized keys

Click Server Settings

Click Networks


Set the key properties

TypeSSH Tunnel
NameYour reference for the tunnel
SSH Userssh target account name
SSH Hostssh target host name
SSH Posttarget ssh port
Local Portthe port that will be used locally
Target Hostdefault to localhost
Portport being mapped to on the target
Private KeySelect the private key to use for the tunnel

Click OK

Event Handlers

Event handlers allow you execute custom code in your security policies. The event handler types are :

  • Triggered Event
  • HTTP Request
  • HTTP Response
  • Websocket Text Frame

To create an event handler

Click Server Settings > Event Handlers

Click Add

Next, enter the details

Typethe type
detailsenter the handler code

Click Create to save the event handler


Row Limit Event Handler

var alert_name = mamori.getServerProperty("row_limit_alert", "default_row_limit_violation");
var rs = mamori.query("select username, system_name, database_name, schema_name, table_name, row_limit, row_count, limit_period, description from sys.row_access_limit_violations a join sys.row_access_limits b on");
try {
  while( {
    var facts = mamori.makeFacts(rs, ["username", "system_name", "database_name", "schema_name", "table_name"]);"Row limit violation found: " + facts.toJSON());
    mamori.alert(alert_name, facts);    
} finally {

Unmasked PII Columns

var rs = mamori.query("select t.systemname, t.schemaname, c.databasename as database_name, t.tablename as table_name, c.columnname as column_name, c.columndatatype as data_type from (select * from SYS.MAMORICOLUMNS a join  mamori.mamorisys.rms.syssearchexpressions b on lower(a.columnname) like b.rule where SYSTEMID = 16  and columndatatype like '%char%' ) c join (select * from SYS.MAMORITABLES where SYSTEMID =16) t on c.referenceid=t.tableid and c.systemname = t.systemname where not exists (select 'x' from  SYS.MASKING_EXCLUSIONS e where e.objectid = t.tablename) and not exists (select 'x' from SYS.COLUMN_MASKING_RULES m where m.systemid=c.systemid and m.databasename = c.databasename and t.schemaname = m.schemaid and m.tableid = t.tablename and m.columnname = c.columnname  and m.operation in ('MASKED','TRANSFORMED'))");
try {
  out.write("**** Unmasked PII Column check start.");
  while( {
    var facts = mamori.makeFacts(rs, ["systemname", "schemaname", "database_name", "table_name", "column_name","data_type"]);"Unmasked PII Column violation found: " + facts.toJSON());
    out.write("Unmasked PII Column violation found: " + facts.toJSON());
    mamori.alert('unmasked_pii_columns', facts);    
} finally {

Alert Channels

You can define an alert channel with one or more alert action.

  • Email
  • Email Role (Emails all users with a Mamori role)
  • HTTP operation (POST, GET, PUT)
  • Mamori notification (Alert Mamori Mobile App)
  • Event

Alert channels are used in connection policies, statement policies and access on-demand policies.

To create an alert channel

Click Server Settings > Alerts

Click Add

Next, enter the details

Alert Namereference for alert channel
Alert Typethe type of alert
Alert detailsenter details for alert type

Click to add another alert in the channel

Click Create to save the channel


To use parameters place the parameter inside brackets {{parameter}}.

Parameters for tcp events

  • username
  • source (client IP address)
  • device (user's device name)

Parameters for connection and session events

  • username
  • source (client IP address)
  • target (target datasource)
  • context (client information)

parameters for on-demand events

  • applicant
  • applicant_message
  • agent
  • agent_message
  • procedure (the policy name)
  • request_key
  • status

Email Alert

Next, enter the details

Email Addressescomma separated list of emails or parameter {{applicant_email}}
Subjectemail subject
Bodyemail content

Email Role

Next, enter the details

RoleA role name or parameter {{endorsing_role}}
Subjectemail subject
Bodyemail content

Example Email Body

email body
DB access alert 
username: {{username}} 
accessing datasource {{target}}
client ip: {{source}}
context: {{context}}
contextjson: {{contextjson}}

Mamori Notification Alert

Sends a notification to the Mamori mobile application.

Next, enter the details

Recipient NameMamori user name or parameter

for example, {{applicant}}

Notification TypeMessage (Message Web Authenticator)

PushMessage (Message Mamori Mobile App)


Messages content is a JSON object


message (HTML string content with parameters)

navigate-status (optional navigation)


navigate-to (optional navigation)

 "0" Policies page
 "1" Requests page
 "2' Request history page
 "3" Pending Approvals
 "4" Approval History
 "5" Active Permissions
 "6" Active Session
 "7" Approved Requests

Example Endorsement Alert

alert content
  "title":"Endorsed Notification",
  "message":"<p style='text-align:left'>
<strong>policy: {{procedure}}</strong><br>
applicant: {{applicant}}<br>
message: {{applicant_message}}<br>
agent: {{agent}}<br>
reason: {{agent_message}}<br>

HTTP Alert - Slack

Sends a notification to slack

Select HTTP as the alert type and enter the details

HTTP OperationPOST
Urlyour slack message hook

Bodycontent (JSON object)
Content Typeapplication/json

Endorsement alert example

  {"attachments": [
            {   "color": "#2eb886",
                "pretext": "A policy has been endorsed",
                "author_name": "Mamori",
                "title": "Policy Request for {{applicant}} endorsed by {{agent}}",
                "text": "A policy request with the following parameters has been issued.",
                "fallback": "Request Details",
                "fields": {{contextjson}},
                "footer": "This is a Mamori Policy Notification",

Intrusion alert example

 "attachments": [
       {   "color": "#f93836",
           "pretext": "A wireguard peer has been blocked",
           "author_name": "Mamori",
           "title": "Wireguard peer blocked - {{device}}",
           "text": "User: {{username}} - client ip: {{source}}",
           "footer": "This is a Mamori Peer Notification",

HTTP Alert - Line

Sends a notification to Line

Select HTTP as the alert type and enter the details

HTTP OperationPOST
HeaderAuthorization: Bearer YOURLINEGROUPKEY
Content Typeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded

Message content is a URL-encoded string

Example Endorsement Alert

alert content


Event HandlerSelect the event handler to invoke for this alert

Application Proxies

Configuration file JSON format

JSON files can be used to configure an application proxy.

To use a JSON configuration file when running a proxy in standalone mode pass in the -json=<jsonfile> parameter to the script. For example:

... -json="myfilters.json"

The config file can be uploaded to the Mamori server to manage the configuration in the server.

The JSON file configuration format is an array of API filters which define the rules for intercepting incoming HTTP/S client requests. Each filter specifies the interception criteria and and one or more MASK transformations to apply to the API response data.

  • each filter defines a series of matching conditions to be able to identify which client HTTP request to intercept
  • each transformation specifies the response attributes to mask elementSpec and the MASK function to apply function

For example:

    "name": "REST API",
    "system": "testsystem",
    "path": "/my-rest-api", <-- API endpoint to target
    "method": null,   
    "queryParameters": null,
    "headers": null,
    "body": null,
    "owner": "test",
    "active": 1,
    "transformations": [
        "name": "default",          <-- user/role to apply to
        "priority": 1,
        "elementSpec": "$..price",  <-- JSON PATH for all price fields
        "function": "MASK FULL",    <-- Masking function to apply
    "name": "XML API",
    "system": "testsystem",
    "path": "/my-xml-api", <-- API endpoint to target
    "method": null,
    "queryParameters": null,
    "headers": null,
    "body": null,
    "owner": "test",
    "active": 1,
    "transformations": [
        "name": "default",         <-- user/role to apply to
        "priority": 1,
        "elementSpec": "//salary", <-- XML PATH for all salary fields
        "function": "MASK FULL",   <-- Masking function to apply
  • name - the filter/rule name
  • system - the system to apply the rule to
  • path - the HTTP request URL path to match on (regexp e.g .* is supported) e.g /info
  • method - the HTTP request method to match on e.g GET, POST, PUT
  • queryParameters - the HTTP request query parameters e.g op=getUserData
  • headers - the HTTP request headers to match on e.g X-OP=getUserData
  • body - the HTTP request body to match on e.g (regexp e.g .* is supported) e.g .*SOMEKEY

*Transformations - specify fields to mask **

To specify which response fields/attributes to mask set the filter attribute elementSpec.

The proxy supports 2 elementSpec types:

For example:

To target all title fields in a JSON response use the JSON path: $..title

To target all title fields in an XML response us the XML path: //title

Note, if the XML payload uses namespaces (as is common in SOAP responses) you must specify the namespace in your xpath e.g //ns:title or use local-name() if you don't know the specific namespace e.g //*\[local-name()='title'\].

Transformations - applying masking functions

Each transformation specifies the set of XML/JSON fields to target (elementSpec), the role/user that the transform applies too (name),and the mask/hash function to apply (function).

Masking function reference

MASK ALLMasks all characters with X or supplied mask character
MASK FIRSTMasks first N characters with X or supplied mask character
MASK LASTMasks last N characters with X or supplied mask character
MASK SUBSTRINGMasks a substring (start,end) characters with X or supplied mask character
MASK CCMasks the digits in a CC number
MASK SSNMasks all digits in a SSN
MASK PHONEMasks the last 4 digits of a phone number
MASK DATETIMEGenerates a random datetime or adds a days. If the input is String the datetime format must be supplied as a function arg
MASK DATEGenerates a random date or adds a days. If the input is a String, the date format must be supplied as a function arg
MASK DECIMALGenerates a random double to the specified number of digits and precision (decimals)
MASK INTGenerates a random long of the same length as the input
MASK EMAILMasks all characters with * or supplied mask character
MASK EMAIL KEEP SUFFIXMasks domain characters with * or supplied mask character
MASK EMAIL KEEP DOMAINMasks suffix characters with * or supplied mask character
MASK OUTMasks the first % with X or supplied mask character. Percentage defaults to 0.6 if not specified
MASK RANDOMMasks letters and digits with randomly generated letters and digits
MASK HASHMasks letters and digits with supplied hashing function e.g "MD5"
MASK HASH NUMERICMasks letters and digits with supplied hashing function e.g "SHA-1" to supplied length
MASK ROWQLIK only. Masks all rows where the column value matches the supplied regexp in the function args.
REVEALReveal a masked attribute

Dealing with SSL


By default the application/API proxies use a self signed certificate. Some browsers such as Chrome (and also curl) will raise an SSL error if you attempt to use HTTPS to access your API via the proxy.

Bypass the certificate check

If using CURL you can bypass the certificate check by using the curl flag --insecure.

For some browsers, it is possible to configure the browser to ignore the cert check.

Otherwise, you can either configure the proxy to use a valid certificate and private key for the domain you are proxying or deploy the proxy behind HAPROXY or NGINX or APACHE which handles the SSL terminator - this is the recommended option.

To use a certificate and key with a proxy

To add a cert/key, configure the location of the certificate and key files in config/proxy-<system>.properties:

mockserver.privateKeyPath=...     <-- your private key file
mockserver.x509CertificatePath=...<-- your certificate file

To generate a certificate for your domain you can use sites such as

Example SSL/proxy forward NGINX config

An example NGINX for handling SSL and forwarding to a Qlik proxy running on a local port.

upstream qlik {
    server; <-- Qlik proxy

server {

       listen 80;
       listen [::]:80;

       root /var/www/html;

       index some-file-that-does-not-exist;
       error_page 403 @gotohttps;
       error_page 404 @gotohttps;

       location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ =404;

       location @gotohttps {
                rewrite ^ https://$host$request_uri permanent;

map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
    default upgrade;
    ''      close;

server {

        # SSL configuration
        listen 443 ssl http2;
        listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

        index index.html;
        root /var/www/html;

        ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt;
        ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key;

        location / {
             proxy_pass http://qlik/;
             proxy_redirect off;
             proxy_http_version 1.1;
             proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
             proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
             proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
             proxy_read_timeout 7d;
             proxy_send_timeout 7d;

Extracting the user from an HTTP/S request

Out of the box the application/API proxies provide two mechanisms to identify the requesting user:

  • Simple - extracts user details from a request header, query parameter or form field using a simple regular-expression based mechanism. This mechanism works with schemes such as Basic Authorisation.

  • Token - Maps a token to a user. This assumes signin occurs via the proxy and can only be used in a non clustered environment.

Method one: Simple

  • Open the config/proxy-<system>.properties configuration file in a terminal window.

  • Set the user extraction mechanism to simpleauth. Add the following configuration to extract the user from a request Authorization HTTP header:

simpleauth.header=Authorization        <-- or simpleauth.formfield=user or simpleauth.queryparam=user or simpleauth.body.regexp=.. or simpleauth.body=xpath or json path

Will handle basic Authorization:

Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l <-- user is extracted as Aladdin

Alternatively, if using a different header, specify that and use a Regular Expression to extract the username from the header value:

simpleauth.header=MySpecialAuthHeader       <-- name of the header to use
simpleauth.header.regexp=.*                 <-- Optional Regular expression to extract the username from the header contents (can be null)

Method two: Token

This mechanism extracts the user name from a signin/login and tracks the token to allow the user to be identified on subsequent requests.

This mechanism only works if the proxy is the only way to access the API and is able to intercept the signin.
  • Open the config/proxy-<system>.properties configuration file in a terminal window.

  • Set the extraction mechanism to tokenauth. Add the following configuration to extract the login token and user from an auth server


# Authorisation server

# On a user sign in

# User name and token extraction. Specify how to extract the user and token on sign in
tokenauth.user.body=$        <-- can also be in a header, query parameter or form field or body
tokenauth.token.body=$..token       <-- can also be in a header, query parameter or form field or body

# On a user signout
# Stops token from being tracked

# On all other requests extract token from token header

Once the user has been extracted, the proxy can determine the user's roles and determine which masking rules to apply.

If the user cannot be determined from the request the proxy will fallback to the default rules

Monitoring and Logging

By default the proxies publish various metrics about the JVM and endpoints to the proxy log and the Mamori server monitoring sub-system.

The metrics can be viewed inside the the Mamori server Influx/Grafana dashboards.

By default two monitoring channels are enabled:

  • InfluxDb
  • Proxy Log

More information on Influx configuration properties can be found at influx configuration

Upgrading Grafana

To upgrade Grafana run the command below in your Mamori server.

sudo docker exec -it mamori /opt/mamori/grafana/

To Activate

  • Open the monitoring properties configuration file at /opt/mamori/server/http-proxy-<version>/config/
  • Set the following properties:

To Deactivate

  • Open the monitoring properties file at /opt/mamori/server/http-proxy-<version>/http-proxy-<version>/config/

  • Set the following properties:

If influx is not in use set `influx.enabled=false`

Proxy log files

  • Application Proxy log -- /opt/mamori/server/http-proxy-<version>/log/proxy-<system>-<instance>.log
  • Service issues log -- /var/log/syslog

Proxy healthcheck endpoint

The proxy heartbeat/healthcheck is on http/s:<proxy host>:<port>/healthcheck. If the proxy is up, it will return a status 200.


Basic Server Hardening

The steps below are only a basic hardening guide. Please check the current hardening guide for your OS.

Secure Shared Memory

#Open the file for editing by issuing the command:
sudo vi /etc/fstab
#Add the following line to the bottom of that file:
tmpfs /run/shm tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 0

Secure logins

Set server to only accept key based logins. Enable SSH Logins to only allow specified IP address sources

sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#only allow ssh for your desired IP addresses
AllowUsers *@192.168.1.*
#disable password logins
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
PasswordAuthentication no
UsePAM no
PermitRootLogin prohibit-password

Reboot the server for changes to take effect

Install Fail2Ban

If your server is publicly accessible, then install fail2Ban


Verify Packets

Check if Wireguard packets are being forwarded to Mamori server

tcpdump -i ens160 -n -x udp port=51871


Date Functions

select dateadd(second, -36000, current_timestamp), current_utc_timestamp, current_timestamp from sys.dual

Background tasks & Pools



#To generated detailed detailed statement pool metrics 
#define LOG_STATEMENT_POOL_METRICS in /opt/mamori/var/mamori_env.local


#To export a session

#To send a notification to a mobile device
call create_user_notification('pushtestuser', 'pushmessage', 'this is a test');

#To Install certificates
Usage: msql install-cert [OPTIONS] --certificate <CERTIFICATE>
      --certificate <CERTIFICATE>  a file containing the PEM encoded certificate
      --key <KEY>                  a file containing the PEM encoded private key
      -h, --help                       Print help

#Benchmark Data Read Performances
./msql --host MAMORISERVER --username user  benchmark rms.db.schema.table

Mamori login Password Policies

-- See current policies
select * from "SYS"."SYSPOLICIES";

-- Example standard password policy
-- Changes to the policy will affect new passwords not existing ones.
-- It will not force users to reset current passwords.
alter policy password set options (password_length_minimum '12');
alter policy password set options (password_numeral_minimum '1');
alter policy password set options (password_punctuation_minimum '1');
alter policy password set options (password_upper_case_minimum '1');
alter policy password set options (failed_attempts_limit '10');
alter policy password set options (password_expiration_days '60');

Server Properties

-- Updating any property
call set_server_property('YOUR PROPERTY NAME', 'value');

-- Enable proxy detailed trace for just a specific user
call set_proxy_user_debug('USERNAME', true);

-- set server property with the name of the "rule" event handler
call set_server_property('on_failed_login', 'connection_failed');

--Enable One Time E-Mail 2FA - Defaults to true
call set_server_property('email_mfa_enabled', 'false');

--set server property with the name of the "policy" event handler
call set_server_property('on_request_handler', 'custom_on_request');

Alert Settings

--This is the number of minutes to throttle any keyed alerts
call set_server_property('ALERT_THROTTLE_TIME', '5');

Email MFA support

-- disable Email MFA on the login screen
call set_server_property('email_mfa_enabled', 'false');

-- enable Email MFA on the login screen
call set_server_property('email_mfa_enabled', 'true');

DB Proxy TLS Protocol & Ciphers

Reboot server after changing this property.

-- Check existing mamori server settings

-- Get Default Set Cipers
call set_server_property('enabled_tls_ciphers', 'default');

-- Specify Specfic Ciphers
call set_server_property('enabled_tls_ciphers', 'TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384,TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256');

--Specify Specfic Protocols
call set_server_property('enabled_tls_protocols', 'TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3');

Backup And Restore

All-In-One Install

To backup and restore on a new mamori server do the following:

    1. Run the backup script below on the source mamori server
    1. Tranfer mamori-backups to new target server with only docker. Mamori not installed
    1. Run the mamori-backups/ on target server
    1. Run the mamori install on target server


mkdir -p mamori-backups

docker stop mamori
docker container inspect -f '{{ range .Mounts }}{{.Type}} {{ .Name }} {{ .Destination }}{{println}}{{ end }}' mamori | grep "^volume mamori" | awk '{print "cd " $3 "  && tar zcvf /backups/" $2 ".tgz ." }' | docker run -i --rm --volumes-from mamori --volume $HERE/mamori-backups:/backups mamori-alpine-boringtun sh

docker image save mamori-alpine-boringtun | gzip > mamori-backups/mamori-alpine-boringtun.tgz

echo "#!/bin/sh" > mamori-backups/
echo "docker load < mamori-alpine-boringtun.tgz" >> mamori-backups/

docker container inspect -f '{{ range .Mounts }}{{.Type}} {{ .Name }} {{ .Destination }}{{println}}{{ end }}' mamori | grep "^volume mamori" | awk '{print "docker run --rm -it --volume " $2 ":" $3 " --volume $PWD:/backups mamori-alpine-boringtun sh -c \"cd " $3 " && tar zxvf /backups/" $2 ".tgz\""}' >> mamori-backups/

create user mamori with password 'password';
grant all privileges on database mamorisys to mamori;
grant all privileges on database xcs to mamori;
grant all privileges on database audit to mamori;

\c mamorisys
grant all on schema rms to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema rms to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema rms to mamori;
grant all on schema fqo to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema fqo to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema fqo to mamori;
grant all on schema rms to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema rms to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema rms to mamori;
grant all on schema mamorisys to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema mamorisys to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema mamorisys to mamori;
grant all on schema public to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema public to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema public to mamori;
grant all on schema security to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema security to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema security to mamori;

\c xcs
grant all on schema public to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema public to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema public to mamori;

\c audit
grant all on schema audit to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema audit to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema audit to mamori;
grant all on  schema public to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema public to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema public to mamori;

/opt/mamori/mamori/bin/  --username lkj --password kjh --host asdsad --port

create user mamori with password 'password';
grant all privileges on database mamorisys to mamori;
grant all privileges on database xcs to mamori;
grant all privileges on database audit to mamori;

\c mamorisys
grant all on schema rms to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema rms to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema rms to mamori;
grant all on schema fqo to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema fqo to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema fqo to mamori;
grant all on schema rms to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema rms to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema rms to mamori;
grant all on schema mamorisys to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema mamorisys to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema mamorisys to mamori;
grant all on schema public to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema public to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema public to mamori;
grant all on schema security to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema security to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema security to mamori;

\c xcs
grant all on schema public to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema public to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema public to mamori;

\c audit
grant all on schema audit to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema audit to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema audit to mamori;
grant all on  schema public to mamori;
grant all on all tables in schema public to mamori;
grant all on all sequences in schema public to mamori;

/opt/mamori/mamori/bin/  --username lkj --password kjh --host asdsad --port

Update PG MAX Connections

All-In-One Install

1 - Enter docker

2 - Update /opt/mamori/var/mamori_env.local to change the value of POSTGRES_MAX_CONNECTIONS

3 - Exit the docker

4 - restart the docker container

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Thu, Feb 20, 2025